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Dark Web Monitoring is an essential capability for any organisation operating in the digital world today. It is a process of actively searching and tracking for business-sensitive information that may have been posted or sold on the dark web by cybercriminals. Dark Web Monitoring tools are similar to search engines like Google, but instead of searching through the indexed web, they search through the millions of unindexed dark web pages.

We uncover your compromised credentials in Dark Web markets, data dumps and other sources, and alert you to trouble fast, giving you the advantage to act before cybercriminals do.

Our advanced Dark Web monitoring platform notifies us immediately if your critical business assets (usernames, passwords, credit card details National Insurance Number/Social Security number) are compromised by scanning every corner of the Dark web including:

  • Hidden chat rooms
  • Unindexed sites
  • Private websites
  • P2P (peer-to-peer ) networks
  • IRC (internet relay chat) channels
  • Social media platforms
  • Black market sites
  • 640,000+ botnets

Our fully managed service provides:

24 x 7 x 365 Threat Monitoring

We scan the Dark Web with human and machine-powered monitoring of business and personal credentials, personal data, corporate domains, IP addresses and email addresses all year round.

Client Threat Portal

We provide a Threat Portal where Clients are able to securely login and review any Dark Web findings that are identified.

Threat Alerts

Our team of Security Analysts will triage all findings that are identified and identify the lead client contact of any threats that require attention.

Monthly Reports

We provide Monthly Reports so that you can understand your current Organisational risk position, and how it is improving over time.

Get in touch

Find out more

For more information please contact us on 0161 706 0244 or email to speak with a member of the team.


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